Frequently Asked Questions

How much do your services cost?
Our services typically cost 40% of the total sale proceeds.

Do you have a team working with you?
Absolutely! We have a talented and friendly staff to assist you.

What do I need to do to prepare for the sale?
Not much at all! The hardest decision is figuring out what you'd like to part with. We take care of arranging, pricing, and overseeing the sale. We handle everything from start to finish.

Would it be better to donate my items to charity?
While in some cases donating to charities might be a good option. However, many charities do not accept non-cash contributions. By entrusting Mooncrest Estate Sales with your sale, you have the flexibility to keep a portion of the proceeds and donate the rest. Estate sales offer the best of both worlds.

What happens to unsold items?
After the sale, we will drop off the remaining items at a local thrift store or other charity.

Should I attempt to run a sale myself?
It's possible to run your own sale, but it's a very difficult and time-consuming task to organize, price, advertise, and conduct a sale effectively. Additionally, it can be emotionally challenging for family members to handle items that once belonged to loved ones. We understand and approach each task with timeliness, efficiency, and respect.

How do you promote the sale to the public?
We reach out to our subscriber email lists, Instagram followers and advertise on exclusive estate sale websites. Additionally, during sale days, we place yard signs in the surrounding area to promote traffic to the location.